
Follow Your Joy

Follow your joy

Want more JOY in your life?

Want to feel ALIVE, like you’re really living vs. just going through the motions?

When you move from your truth and follow the joy in your heart, you will see and call in things that reflect that energy.

Try this…

Make a list of things that bring you joy, that make you smile, warm your heart, feel good in your soul

**Do more of those things.**

Honor your inner knowing and follow that intuitive guidance.

Focus on the joy, and you’ll call in more joy. Because where your attention goes, your energy flows

Also, say ‘NO’ more.
No to things/people/places that drain your energy.
No to things you’re doing solely out of guilt or because you (or others) think you “should”.
No to things that are not aligned with who you want to be or the life you want to live.

Give yourself PERMISSION to lean into the joy, follow the joy, FEEL the joy. Take a break from PEOPLE-PLEASING. Instead of moving from fear (of being judged, rejected, not liked), instead of “shoulding” yourself, instead of doing something because you’ll feel guilty or shameful if you don’t do it – move from your heart, your truth, your joy. Do what feels good for you. Even if it’s in the tiniest of ways, follow your joy and be true to you. Small shifts lead to big changes.

You have one shot at life.
How will you choose to live it?
Follow your joy, the spark within.
Be open, be curious.
Just give it a try, and see what happens.

We’re not here to suffer.

Have fun with it.

Fuck around and find out.



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