Sometimes we need to sit in the mess, dive in deep and explore it – what is the truth of the situation vs the story we are telling ourselves? Who are we BEING?
Ask yourself- what can I control, and where can I release the illusion of control?
There’s so much to learn in the messiness. A gift. If we allow it. Too often we want to GET OUT of the mess – we are so focused on the problem of the mess, WANTING and wishing for it to be different. This keeps us in the energy of the problem. Where our attention goes, our energy flows. We create stories around it, make it mean something – and then hold onto those stories, tell them over and over until they become truths.
Sometimes we ignore it – we keep so “busy” so we don’t have time to face the mess. We put it off or suppress it completely. You can know with certainty that what you resist, persists.
Let it be easy. Let it be light. Let it be what it is, instead of trying to make it something it isn’t. Don’t make it mean anything. It’s only temporary. Instead of fighting it or suppressing it, get curious. Ask – what do I need to know from this? The story I’m telling – is it really true? What if it wasn’t true? What if I let it go – who would I be without it?
I see you. Close your eyes and take a deep breath. Deep inhale and long, slow exhale. Open your eyes and look around. Tell yourself – you’ are ok. You are loved. You are enough. You are worthy. Know whatever it is, it will pass. It’s only temporary, and you will get through it. You always do.
Journaling is one of the most impactful tools for navigating the messiness of life. Journal to get it all out, to release the weight of the stories you’ve been carrying, to write new stories, to affirm that you are worthy, to show gratitude for all that is, to find the answers that lie within. Click here to get my free guide ‘Journaling for Transformation’. 🌈