



  A SEASON OF BELIEVING   My wish for you this season is to BELIEVE.  Believe in the magic of the holidays, in the childlike wonder and awe of it all.  Believe in the beauty, the miracles, and the magic of life. Believe in the spectacular magic of the unknown. And most importantly, believe in yourself, your greatness and your dreams.  What a wild journey it’s been. Life lately. Ups, downs, lots of lows (catalysts for transformation), feeling disconnected, breakthroughs and so many magical moments. I realized -- the disconnect is within me. A misalignme[...]


Touched by a Soul

  TOUCHED BY A SOUL (MAYBE AN ANGEL)...   You never know when you will be touched by a soul. Oftentimes, when you least expect it.   It was a cold and rainy day in NYC, and I was walking home along Broadway from brunch with a friend. I walked a few steps past a man who was sitting on the street holding a sign that read WILL WORK FOR MONEY. Something inside made me turn back. I don’t have cash on me often, but today I did.   AND A SMILE   I dropped a few dollars into jar. He was sitting up with his eyes closed. I said hello, and he opened his eyes and smil[...]


Quiet Your Inner Critic

Who are you listening to?    Is your worthy AF, inner badass driving your decisions? Or is that judgmental and critical voice leading the way?  Or, are you too busy running on autopilot to even notice??      Oftentimes we subconsciously choose to listen to our inner critic. Because she is freaking LOUD. She's been loud for so many years that we believe that voice to be truth. The shame, guilt, "shoulding" - repeated so often that it becomes our norm. But that other voice -  the voice of your inner knowing, your worthy AF, capable, confident, warrior, god[...]



I sat down at my computer to start working and get a quick photo for content, and immediately started typing these words on repeat. They came out of nowhere (not really) and just flowed through me. When you open to receiving, you just never know when the answers will come through you. I kept typing it over and over again. Like a message that I need to say, write and hear until it resonates in my entire being, until I really, fully, 1000% know it, believe it, and feel it in my body. I know it to be true. I know it to be true. I know it to be true. I know[...]



Sometimes we need to sit in the mess, dive in deep and explore it - what is the truth of the situation vs the story we are telling ourselves? Who are we BEING? Ask yourself- what can I control, and where can I release the illusion of control? A GIFT There’s so much to learn in the messiness. A gift. If we allow it. Too often we want to GET OUT of the mess - we are so focused on the problem of the mess, WANTING and wishing for it to be different. This keeps us in the energy of the problem. Where our attention goes, our energy flows. We create stories ar[...]


Need a sign?

SIGNS, SIGNS, EVERYWHERE THERE'S SIGNS... Do you believe in signs?  If you do, consider this your sign and take the leap. Do the thing that’s been in your heart, follow the nudge your soul. The thing that excites you, scares you, stretches you. Believe in yourself, invest in yourself and go all in on your one life. Stop waiting for the “perfect time” and take just one tiny step in the direction. Now.  If not now, what are you waiting for? To feel confident, 100% clear, comfortable, ready? Waiting for the “right time”?  My beauty,[...]


Unpacking grief

Grief.WHAT THE ACTUAL F*CK.This has been on repeat in my head for the past few weeks. Saying goodbye to someone I loved. Trying to grasp the fuckedupness of it all, without success. It’s well beyond my grasp.A few weeks ago, I lost someone I love dearly. My beautiful cousin, Amie. My partner in crime since the time we could walk and talk.My heart is so very broken💔I thought I would show up anyway, because that's what I’m supposed to do. I committed to it. But then, I just couldn’t. Because I didn’t want to share anything that didn’t feel authentic for[...]


Follow Your Joy

Follow your joy Want more JOY in your life?Want to feel ALIVE, like you’re really living vs. just going through the motions?When you move from your truth and follow the joy in your heart, you will see and call in things that reflect that energy.Try this…Make a list of things that bring you joy, that make you smile, warm your heart, feel good in your soul**Do more of those things.**Honor your inner knowing and follow that intuitive guidance.Focus on the joy, and you’ll call in more joy. Because where your attention goes, your energy flowsAlso, say ‘NO[...]