
Need a sign?


Do you believe in signs? 

If you do, consider this your sign and take the leap. Do the thing that’s been in your heart, follow the nudge your soul. The thing that excites you, scares you, stretches you. Believe in yourself, invest in yourself and go all in on your one life. Stop waiting for the “perfect time” and take just one tiny step in the direction. Now. 

If not now, what are you waiting for? To feel confident, 100% clear, comfortable, ready? Waiting for the “right time”? 

My beauty, that’s not how it works. You will be waiting FOREVER. 


Doing something different will always feel uncomfortable. It’s through action (in spite of fear) that you gain confidence and find clarity. The more you move in this space, the more you start to get comfortable in the discomfort. You might even start to seek it out. When you feel stagnant and know it’s time to move, to get uncomfortable, to shake things up and try something new.  

I just did it again. Made a big investment in myself and my business. How does it feel? Exciting, scary, juicy, uncomfortable… and also, right. Does that make sense? Taking a step that feels scary and uncomfortable, but you feel it in your body and soul that it’s the right move. Whatever it is, whoever it’s with, wherever it leads – an inner knowing that it’s right for you in this moment. Sometimes, it’s because staying the same feels suffocating – like it’s no longer an option. Sometimes, it’s an opportunity that feels exciting – saying YES to the next level you, because it’s time to become her. No more playing small.

Look, none of us likes being uncomfortable. But getting uncomfortable is the only way to grow and change. Think about it – is sweating through an hour of hot pilates comfortable (fresh on my mind, as this very class just kicked my ass)? Fuck no. But we do it because we feel so good afterwards, and we desire the result of a healthy body (and mind) that comes with getting uncomfortable. Move through the discomfort to your next level, most authentic you.


It’s the same with internal comfort zones – the ones that keep us “safe” where we are, being who we’re being. Those are comfort zones I continuously feel called to escape. Not an escape like I’m running away from something, but more a moving toward something. A deep knowing that there’s more. More to let go of, more to discover, more unbecoming, more acceptance, more love. A calling to become more ME. Knowing that the discomfort is where I will uncover, learn, and grow. So, I move toward it. In discomfort, fear, faith, and trust. I’m excited to stretch beyond my comfort zones, going to places I haven’t been, reprogramming the old conditioning. 


The unknown is a super juicy space with limitless possibilities, where all the magic happens. It’s also uncomfortable (doing new things in new ways, facing hard truths, being vulnerable, breaking old patterns…) and scary AF (the unknown and our little ego whispers of what if’s). So, you must continuously and consciously CHOOSE to get out of your head, stop overthinking, trust your inner knowing and move. Feel the fear and discomfort and do it anyway. Imagine how you’ll feel after taking a step toward the thing you want most…. likely, you will feel bold, brave and confident. EMPOWERED.

Is there something in your heart that you deeply desire but you seem to find all the excuses why now is not the “right” time? What is stopping you, what are you afraid of, what are you waiting for? Is there a signier sign you’re looking to find? 


I don’t believe in coincidences. I believe the people, teachers, opportunities, messages and signs we need on our journey always appear when we’re ready and open to see and receive them, at just the right time. Let this be your sign to start now. Bet on you. Invest in yourself, your life, your health and your happiness.

I believe in you. Consider this your sign. Go get it.

For help navigating the decision, the fear, the thing that’s holding you back – book a free discovery call here and take a step toward the next level, most authentic you.


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