During this time of year when there’s a big focus on resolutions, resets, doing all the things to be a better version of ourselves, I’m here to remind you that you are ENOUGH exactly as you are. Not to deter you from going after the things you want and becoming the person you want to be – just offering another approach… move toward those things KNOWING you are already enough, you are already whole. You don’t need anything or anyone to make you whole, and nothing can take it from you. You can be both – enough/whole AND growing, evolving, shifting into new versions, going after all the things you desire.
If you’re anything like me, you’ll be practicing and repeating the mantras and continuously integrating the feelings of enoughness for a long time. It’s wild how deeply rooted this incredibly unloving emotion of ‘not enough’ is. Just when you think you’ve nailed it, something pops up to remind you it’s still there. Don’t let this get you down though. It’s a gift really, to see it, face it, and address it. An opportunity to change the narrative. Think about how many years that old narrative has been playing! It’s going to take time and repetition to unlearn and reprogram it. There are soooo many layers. But it doesn’t need to feel heavy – once you recognize it, simply shift the thought, belief or behavior to one that is loving, supportive and reflects your beautiful, badass, worthy, enough, unique wholeness. Over and over and over again. The more you practice, the easier it becomes to recognize and the faster you will be able to shift out of it. No shame, no judgment, just a shift.
I’m here to remind you:
You ARE enough
You are whole
You are worthy of all you dream and desire
Walk into every room and every encounter knowing, believing you’re worthy of being there, you are worthy of love, you are worthy AF. No comparing, no doubt, no lack.
You are just as deserving as anyone else. If you forget, if you question ‘why me?’ – reframe it: ‘why the f*ck not me?!’. Damn straight why not you?! You’re fucking amazing.
When you love, accept and trust yourself more, judge and criticize yourself less, you will have more love and acceptance and less judgment of others. You also start to care less and less what others think about you. Your relationships will change – the relationship with yourself and with others. It’s a beautiful thing.
Write the words, read them daily, record and listen to them – – whatever words resonate, whichever format feels good to you, as many times a day as you need to be reminded until it starts to sink in. Little by little, those seemingly small shifts lead to big changes. I’ve accepted that this is still coming up for me and that it might be for a long time, maybe forever. Layers. And that’s OKAY. It’s part of me. Imperfect, messy AND whole. I’ll keep doing the reps, continue to shift the narrative. Because it’s worth it. I’m worth it. And so are you.
So my beautiful friend, whatever you want, wish for, dream and desire for your life – believe you will have it. Believe in yourself, love yourself, accept yourself. Know that you’re whole, enough, and worthy of it all.